All along the way to Heaven
God has placed His road signs there;
And to point man in the right way,
He has placed them everywhere.

But some signs are oft confusing;
They leave travelers in doubt
Who read the signs and question them,
Wond'ring what they're all about.

For, you see, we are those road signs.
And just what do our signs say
To the lost one on his journey
As he reads our signs today?

Do we point in two directions?
Do actions and words conflict?
Do all we say and what we do
Much too often contradict?

If our road signs are to read clear
That will help one find his way,
We must evermore be mindful
Of the things we do and say.

Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com

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