God said, "The plans I have for you are to prosper and to bless,
They're nev'r to harm or e'er alarm but to crown you with success.
There's hope to see you day by day o'er each trial that comes your way;
And a future blessed with wisdom and My ever-present stay."

You have a Providential promise that's sealed by the Divine;
A sure promise for your future that's of heavenly design.
He'll never leave you nor forsake you, of this you can be sure.
And though sun and moon and stars will fade, His promise will endure.

So when the darkness of the night tries to rob you of your hope,
Remember He is always near to renew your strength to cope.
He is working all things for your good according to His plan
That He designed with you in mind before time ever began.

Just rest safely on His promise and stand firmly on His word,
For when clouds of doubt stand all about, His presence is assured.
His Providential promise is to give you a hope and rest.
And a future that is only blessed with Heaven's very best.

"'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future'" (Jeremiahs 29:11).

Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com

FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com