We're Blessed As We Forgive (Joseph)

He had more than enough reason
To hold back and not forgive,
For Joseph suffered rejection
By his closest relatives.

When lowered into a cistern
All alone and sore afraid,
Feeling desperately rejected,
Cries to spare his life were made.

He was sold for a small ransom,
Stripped of dignity and pride;
Tears of anguish found no pity,
Mercy's plea was there denied.

Joseph suffered bitter anguish,
Haunting memories of pain;
He had reason for resentment,
Cause to bitterly complain.

Yet instead he chose forgiveness,
Showing mercy as God would;
While he knew his brothers meant harm,
God intended it for good.

Healing came with Joseph's pardon.
Grace rebuilt for him again
His home destroyed once by envy;
Mercy restored peace within.

Joseph shines as an example
How we all should daily live,
By extending grace and mercy,
For we're blessed as we forgive.

Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com

FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com