The old deserted house stood there
Weathered and beaten with time.
This once white house showed years layered
With black soot, dark mar and grime.

The windows were cracked and shattered,
Shingles missing from the roof,
The tattered fence stood in shambles
And brought comments of reproof.

"Why can't they tear this old house down?
It's such an eyesore, you see.
Why it still stands here today
Is such a myst'ry to me."

The Master Builder then passed by
And He looked with sympathy,
For he saw the house's true beauty,
It's potentiality.

He set to work and repaired the roof,
Replaced the windows with new.
The tattered fence now straight and tall,
The house was a sight to view.

Our lives are often like this house
And many may criticize,
But the Master Builder views our lives
With entirely diff'rent eyes.

Now He is waiting to repair
Your house destroyed by sin.
And when He's through, He'll live in you,
Shine His light of peace within.

Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com

FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com