The man was dressed in loathsome rags
And he bore the scars of sin.
With dragging feet he trudged along,
Without hope or peace within.
But as he passed along the way,
He could hear a loud voice say,
“New clothes for you. One size fits all.
Please, come try them on today.”
He stopped to listen quietly.
Then he asked, “Will they fit me?
My body’s badly torn and scared.
I am stooped and bowed, you see.”
The Master Tailor said, “Step up.
I have just the size for you.
And when you put them on, my friend,
Your soul they will renew.”
He stepped into the changing room,
Discarding garments of sin.
Donning robes of righteousness,
He felt renewed within.
So tall and straight, he stood erect.
Then he bowed in reverence,
And he thanked the Master Tailor
For His kind benevolence.
He shared with all who passed his way.
You could hear him loudly call
And point them to the One who cried,
“New clothing-- One size fits all.”
Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: