Her face bore a radiant smile
As she walked the dusty road,
And you could hear her song of praise
As she pulled her heavy load.

I noticed as she passed my way
An old jar made out of clay.
She cradled it so lovingly
As she walked along that day.

So often she would stop to rest
And would greet each passerby,
And as they asked about her jar
With a smile she would reply:

“When as a child my only son
Made this jar for me one day.
He formed it with his little hands
As a gift for my birthday.

“He said, ‘I’ve made this jar for you
To show to you my love.
I’ve asked the Lord to bless you, Mom,
As I prayed to God above.’

“Then ev’ry year on my birthday
He’d hold the jar and pray
Into the narrow opening
A blessing for my day.

“His treasures filled this earthen jar
That he formed from simple clay.
And, oh, how I have cherished it
More than words can ever say.

“You see, my son, a soldier, fought
In a war across the sea,
And gave his life a gift for all
With his last words shared for me.

“He said, ‘We have these treasures, Mom,
That nothing can e’er destroy,
For God’s Spirit lives within us
And I know true peace and joy.

‘The old clay jar I made for you
Contains whispers of my love,
True treasures in a jar of clay
Till we meet in Heaven above.’ ”

Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: