The little lamp tried with his might
To illum'nate and shine.
'Twas his God-given potential,
A part of his design.
The darkness enclosed around him,
But try with all his might,
He could not create a glimmer
Or glow in dark of night.
But the Master Designer spoke,
"It's not your pow'r but mine
As you plug into My pow'r source,
You'll find your light will shine."
And as soon as he connected,
Through him God's power did flow
Then the darkness faded quickly;
His light began to glow.
Now each of us is like this lamp,
For we are called to shine.
But we must tap into the pow'r
Released by the Divine.
Apart from Him there is nothing
That we will ever do
To illum'nate our darkened world,
Release our light to view.
But as God's holy power flows
Then everyone will see
God's light of love illuminate
And shine through you and me.
Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
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