Each trial was like a boulder that rolled onto my way,
A hindrance to my journey as I walked the King's Highway.
I had to climb o'er rugged rock, struggle to reach the top;
After climbing over one, I came to a sudden stop.
The narrow road stretched uphill as I trudged along my way,
Exhausted from my journey, I sought rest from heat of day.
To pastures green God led me by a quiet peaceful stream
To spend some time in solitude and there my strength redeem.
While resting God and I conversed about the journey there.
I asked if He would clear the path of boulders everywhere.
"Will you the road make level so it's easier to trod,
Broaden the narrow pathway?" I then boldly asked of God.
He said, "If the journey's easy, if there's no struggle there.
You'd walk along in your own strength; you'd never breathe a prayer.
But as you climb each massive rock you often bow to pray,
You seek My strength to help you o'er each hindrance in your day."
"Each day you are growing stronger and soon you'll understand;
The course designed, though tough at times, your best it will demand.
I'm always there beside you when fatigue has overrun;
I'll be there to carry you when you feel you can't go on."
"So trust Me and just persevere, your uphill path pursue,
Remember, I am always there -- I'll never forsake you.
And when you've reached your journey's end, much stronger you will be
To bear the wings prepared for you to soar eternally."
Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com
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