God gives us manna from heaven
And water from the Rock,
Divides asunder our Red Seas,
And guides us as a flock.
But often though we soon forget
When trials come again.
We fail to praise Him as we should.
We grumble and complain.
When He leads us through the desert,
We need to understand
There are lessons He will teach us
As He guides us by His hand.
The easy way is not the best.
God sees the long-range view,
And He wants to teach us patience
And perseverance, too.
So when the trials come our way,
On wings of praise just soar.
Remember, Jehovah-Jireh
Will guide us through once more.
Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com
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