When the bitter bite of winter
Inflicts its brutal sting,
We long for summer "Son"shine and
The warmth that Christ's love brings.
Our chilly trials cannot withstand
The warmth of God's "Son"rays;
His grace evaporates grief's frost
Like heat in summer days.
The warm "Son"shine caresses us,
And melts away our pain;
And with Him comes the bright rainbow
Amidst the summer rain.
Our outward countenance reflects
Transformation within,
As "Son"rays penetrate our hearts,
Our peace and joy begins.
We rejoice to feel His comfort,
We bask and long to stay
And enjoy the "Son"shine's presence
Through His endless summer day.
Copyrighted by Linda J. Stevenson.
For permission to use, please contact: Ljstevenson1@juno.com
FAMILY MUSIC RESOURCES: www.MaryRiceHopkins.com